How to create a new product?
Modified on: Tue, 8 Sep, 2020 at 12:48 PM
- Click on Products and select Products

Click on Add New Product and fill up all the necessary details.
Header | Description | Example | Required |
Enabled | Enable or Disable based on product availability |
| Enabled by default. |
Name | Enter the Product Name | iPad 6th Gen | Yes |
Description | A short description of the product if required (Same will be used in integrations if available) | iPad 6th Generation 32GB WiFi Only Retina Display | Optional |
Category | Select the Category to which the product has to be assigned | Phones & Tablets | Yes |
Sub Category | Select the Sub Category to which the product has to be assigned | Tablets | Optional |
Brand | Select a brand to which the product belongs. | Apple | Optional |
Position | Enter the numeric values for the alignment of products in POS and Online integrations | 7 | Auto assign if not entered based on alphabetic |
SKU | Unique stock-keeping code for the product | 103982 | Optional |
Bar-code | Barcode of the product for easier accessibility | 8510003289 | Optional |
HSN | 6-digit HSN Code as per govt standards | 84713090 | OPtional |
Suppliers | Select a supplier for the product | Micro | Optional |
Default Unit of Measure | Enter the measuring unit of the product | No's | Yes |
Modifiers | Select the modifier set if any (Enable Forced if modifiers has to be auto asked immediately after product added to cart) | Additional Accessories | Optional |
Tags | Enter as veg/non-veg/egg etc (Will be used in online integrations) | NA | Optional |
Location | Select the location the product to be added |
| Yes |
Sellable | Enable/Disable depending on whether the product is sellable at the location or not (Switch it off for raw materials/ingredients so that they won't be visible in POS, but the product is still assigned to selected locations and inventory tracking happens if applicable) |
| Enabled by default. |
Color | Select any color for the product (To identify it easier in the billing screen. Typically followed process is veg products - green color; non-veg products -red color; etc) |
| Selected by default. |
Image | Upload image of the product less than 2 Mb ( if required) |
| Optional |
Cost Price | Cost price of the product (Receiving price from vendor) | 25500 | Optional |
Tax | Select the tax applicable for the product | GST 12 | Auto selected the first tax |
Inclusive | Enable/Disable if the prices are inclusive of taxes/exclusive of taxes |
| Disabled by default |
Enable Tracking | Select Yes/No if inventory tracking has to be enabled/disabled |
| Disabled by default |
Allow Negative Selling | Select Yes/No if products to be sold after inventory stock goes down to "0" or beyond |
| Disabled by default |

- Click on Create to complete creating the new product
- After the product is created, scroll to the Sale Channels tab and click on More

- Update the following details
Header | Description | Example | Required |
Selling Price | Enter the selling price of the product | 28999 | Yes |
Display Price | Enter the MRP of the product | 29999 | Optional |
Tax | Select the Tax applicable | GST 12 | Auto selected the first tax |
Charge | Select the charge applicable additionally if any |
| Optional |
Tax Inclusive | Enable if the Selling Price if inclusive of taxes or exclusive |
| Disabled by default |
Inventory Allow Negative | Enable/Disable if products to be sold after inventory stock goes down to "0" or beyond |
| Disabled by default |
Sellable | Enable/Disable if the product is sellable in the respected Sale Channel | Few products may be sellable only at store, not on Online. Enable/Disable as per sale channel | Enabled by default |
Enabled | Enable/ Disable if the product is available in stock | If product is discontinued, then product can be disabled | Enabled by default |

- Click on Done and then click on Save to complete updating the product
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